i media’s national network of advertising solutions are perfectly placed to guide the decisions of hungry travellers looking for an impulsive purchase during a break on their motorway journey.
Our results-driven solutions are confirmed by EPOS data, where huge sales uplifts demonstrate just how effective i-media’s point-of-sale advertising is at influencing impulse snackers.
- 80% of our audience make purchases in MSA retail outlets, despite not originally having planned to.
- 35% cite the main reason for stopping at an MSA is to grab a snack
- 40% of visitors purchase snacks on each visit
- Proven and profitable ROI via EPOS data, including chocolate (+36%), crisps (+40%) and soft drinks (+36%)
- Regular MSA users spend 26% more on snacks than those who see convenience store ads
Sources: Transport Focus, YouGov Profiles

Above: a selection of leading brand outlets at MSAs