Who are we?

At i-media we display advertising across 136 Motorway Service Areas in the UK, if you’re in a services and look at the bottom of an ad you may have seen our name!

Drive Panel is i-media’s unique research group, populated by Motorway Service Area visitors who travel for business or leisure. It’s sole purpose is to better understand people who journey on UK motorways and who see advertising displayed on our screens.


While we love motorway services our monthly surveys cover a much wider range of topics, such as current or topical events, holidays, work/business, advertising and much much more.

How it works

Participants are sent a short online survey every month

All responses are confidential & we’d only ever contact you for surveys for the panel

Each month everyone who takes part is entered into a prize draw to win £250 in Amazon vouchers

Each month we’ll let you know the results from our latest survey